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The following are the rules of the Korean Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring.

[Chapter 1: General Provisions]
Article 1 (Name)
This research group is named the Korean Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring (KSION).
Article 2 (Purpose)
The purpose of this research group is to promote the development of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring research groups and to contribute to the improvement of fellowship among members and human health through academic projects.
Article 3 (Headquarters and Branches)
This group is headquartered in Seoul and may open branch offices as needed.
Article 4 (Business)
In order to accomplish the purpose of Article 2, this group shall carry out the following business:
  • 1) Research related to intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring
  • 2) Host academic conferences
  • 3) Cooperative research and business with government, industry, and public organizations
  • 4) Development and dissemination of application technologies related to intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring
  • 5) Exchange of academic information and joint research
  • 6) Other projects necessary for the achievement of the purpose of this research society
[Chapter 2: Membership]
Article 5 (Composition of Members)
The members of this research group shall be divided as follows.
  • 1) A full-time member shall be a specialist in neurology and rehabilitation medicine engaged in intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring or related fields.
  • 2) An honorary member shall be a person who has a high level of scholastic ability and virtue, has qualifications corresponding to those of the regular members of this research society, and contributes greatly to the development of this research society.
  • 3) A special member shall be a person or organization that supports this research society in agreement with the purpose of this research society.
  • 4) An associate member shall be a person who is interested in intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring and specializes in rehabilitation medicine.
  • 5) general member shall be a physician in another field or medical personnel.
Article 6 (Acquisition of Membership Qualification)
Any person or organization that wishes to join this research society may be approved by the working committee after having agreed with the purpose of this research society, submitted an application form, agreed to the collection/use of their personal information, and paid the prescribed first year dues or lifetime dues.
Article 7 (Rights and Duties of Members)
The members of this research group shall be divided as follows.
  • 1) The full members of this society shall have the right to vote, and only those who are specialists have the right to be elected.
  • 2) Regular members have the right to vote, but associate, special, honorary, and general members are not entitled to do so.
  • 3) All members of this society must pay an annual membership fee or lifetime membership fee.
Article 8 (Suspension of Membership)
If a member does not fulfill the duties set forth by this research society or impairs the honor of this society, their membership shall be lost at the approval of the General Assembly after the execution of the Working Committee
[Chapter 3: Committee]
Article 9 (Committee)
This research society shall have the following committee executive officers.
  • 1) One president
  • 2) Two or less vice presidents (one in Neurology and one in Rehabilitation Medicine)
  • 3) Ten or less working committee members
  • 4) One secretary
  • 5) One board director
  • 6) A few advisors
Article 10 (Appointment)
  • 1) The President shall be elected at the general meeting.
  • 2) Vice presidents and secretaries shall be appointed by the president and report to the general meeting for approval.
  • 3) The working committee is commissioned by the president and approved by the general meeting.
  • 4) The board director and advisors are appointed by the working committee and approved by the general meeting.
Article 11 (Term)
The term of office of the president and vice president shall be two years and may be renewed. The terms of elected committee members who have been selected in the absence of their predecessors shall be the remaining terms of their predecessors.
Article 12 (Duties)
  • 1) The president shall be the chairperson of the general meeting and of the Working Committee on behalf of the research society, overseeing the affairs of the general meeting.
  • 2) The vice president shall assist the president and shall perform his/her duties in the absence of the president.
  • 3) The working committee assists the president and takes charge of the prescribed tasks.
  • 4) The board director and advisors are highly qualified and experienced people who can provide assistance in the research society's business and developmental direction.
[Chapter 4: Meeting]
Article 13 (Division)
This meeting shall consist of the general meeting and the Working Committee.
Article 14 (General meeting)
  • 1) The general meeting shall decide on the matters necessary for operation, such as the election and approval of the committee officers and the revision of the administrative regulations, by a majority of the attendees. (Non-participating members can be substituted by letter of proxy)
  • 2) The regular general meeting is held once a year, and the extraordinary general meeting is called by the president if necessary.
  • 3) The working committee is commissioned by the president and approved by the general meeting.
  • 4) The board director and advisors are appointed by the working committee and approved by the general meeting.
Article 15 (Working Committee)
  • 1) The Working Committee shall consist of a chairman, a vice chairman, a secretary, members for Academia, Finance, Editor, PR, Planning, Notices, and other working members as well as auditors. The chairperson shall chair the working committee.
  • 2) The Working Committee shall carry out all the duties of this research society.
Article 16 (Duties of the Working Committee)
  • 1) Committee for General Affairs: affairs related to general affairs, external affairs, and communication, meeting minutes, etc.
  • 2) Academic Committee: Duties related to academic conferences, maintenance education, and meetings.
  • 3) Working Committee: General accounting duties, matters related to public relations, matters concerning the mid/long term development of this society, etc.
  • 4) Secretariat Committee: Assist in work such as the preparation of meeting minutes of the general meeting and working committee meeting to submit them to the secretary. No voting rights.
Article 17 (Duties of the Working Committee)
The Working Committee shall decide on the following matters and receive the approval of the general meeting.
The working committee consists of a majority of the working members.
  • 1) Matters concerning membership qualification examination
  • 2) Matters concerning academic conferences, refresher education, and academic lectures
  • 3) Matters concerning business plan, external communication, and budgeting
  • 4) Matters concerning business plan approval of each committee
  • 5) Matters concerning establishment of office, accounting, and regulations
  • 6) Matters concerning reward and discipline
  • 7) Matters to be submitted to the general meeting
  • 8) Other matters necessary for the development of this society
Article 18 (Decision)
The decision shall be made by a majority of the members present.
Article 19 (Meeting minutes)
The general meeting, working committee, and each committee shall keep the minutes, and the president shall sign the minutes.
Article 20 (Academic Meeting
This meeting holds academic meetings and conferences at least once a year.
[Chapter 5: Accounting]
Article 21 (Fiscal Year)
The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 30 of the same year.
Article 22 (Financial Resources)
Financial resources shall be admission fee, annual fee, annual dues, special dues, donations, subsidies and other income.
Article 23 (Surplus Cancellation)
  • 1) Surplus generated from the holding of academic conferences, exhibitions, advertisements, etc. shall be used for the inherent business of the society and shall not be distributed to members.
  • 2) The surplus and property at the time of the dissolution of the society shall be fully donated to the relevant organizations after the resolution of the General Assembly to enhance patients' medical environments.
[Chapter 6: Bylaw]
Article 24
  • 1) The matters not specified in the Bylaws shall follow the general custom.
  • 2) These rules shall come into effect as soon as they are approved by the inauguration general assembly on November 1, 2014.
  • 3) Amendment of the rules of this meeting shall be revised or amended by agreement of two-thirds of the members of the executive committee and reported to the General Assembly. The revised rules shall be implemented after the general meeting of the concerning year.